It’s the small habits. How you spend your mornings. How you talk to yourself. What you read and what you watch. Who you share your energy with. Who has access to you. That will change your life.
— Michael Tonge

integrative health coaching:

Optimal wellbeing is our North Star + living well is one of those inside jobs. As a certified Integrative Health Practitioner, Kymberlea, takes and individualized approach by focusing on the person as whole + identifying root cause imbalances. This integrative style pulls from Ayurveda, Functional medicine, Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Bioregulatory medicine, Orthomoleclar medicine, and Eastern Philosophy. By utilizing easy at home lab testing, Kymberlea will help you identify the root cause of your issues. There is no guess work! With the help of supplements, toxin removal, stress reduction, exercise, mindfulness, and appropriate detoxing, the goal is to shift the body into equilibrium, creating a state in which the body can heal + truly thrive.


Transformative Wellness: Custom tailored just for you.

Addressing a number of chronic issues + ailments including:

  • Hormone health

  • Gut health

  • Thyroid health

  • Toxicities

  • Food sensitivities

  • Stress

  • Mind/Body connection

  • Movement + exercise